
another attempt to take control of my surroundings

Yesterday I had a realization. None of my friends or boyfriend are in the city this week, and I have no one to really turn to. I'm at the point where I'm so close to moving away that I don't really want to hang out with friends that I'm not close with, I just want to put my time and energy into the ones I care about most. Considering no ones around for me to do that, it's officially a me-week.

So last night I deleted instagram and reddit off of my phone, the only two social medias I really use (to excess!!!). I did it right before I slept so that I'd shock myself out of the normal routine of checking them when I woke up. Of course, when I told my dad over our morning coffee he said the same exact 'don't you have self control?' line, and I said 'no, dad, no I really don't'.

So tasks for today, as soon as I finish the rest of my coffee and finish writing this post:

Man it's tough being a person with generally feminine interests, I know my brother definitely had a much easier time with his packing seeing as all he had to do was chuck some clothes in a bag and take like one shampoo. I'm coordinating my clothes so that each bottom has 3 tops and vice versa, trying to maximise my looks. The university I'm going to is a considerably more "normal" environment than my art high school, so my goal is to still carry that eclectic style I've developed to it, if not even more insane, just with the limited space of a dorm room.

Anyway, I'm hoping the fact that I won't be checking my phone for notifications all the time will help me actually get this done!