
breaking: fashion girl grapples with packing

As I'm getting ready to move away for university in a month and a bit, I've started to slowly try to figure out what and how I'm going to pack for this next part of my life.

My room is currently bursting at the seams with clothes and different knick knacks of all shapes and sizes, and I'm very attached to ALL of them. While yes, there's a few pieces in my wardrobe that seldom get touched, most pieces are in a constant rotation, there's not one particular item that gets worn more than others. That being said, my storage situation next year will not be nearly as forgiving as what I have currently.

I've been cycling through many different ways to deal with this problem. Maybe I could do a capsule wardrobe situation and only bring pieces that work together, no statements? No, too boring. Bring everything and just struggle with the little closet space I have? Too hectic. I've even bought Marie Kondo's books in an effort to learn how to clear my spaces, or at least be more selective about what I bring in and what I'll take with me. Old habits die very hard though, and I still am a star customer of my local thrift. The manager complains that he hasn't seen me in a while when I don't go for more than 2 weeks.

Oh well, hopefully I'll figure something out eventually. For fellow fashion inclined people, please share whatever advice you have so I don't have to stress with packing last minute.