
getting busy and the start of university

It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity to write here, having arrived from Greece weeks ago at this point. In the deep depths of unpacking and packing again for a much bigger adventure, it's been hard to even have a moment to look at my phone let alone sit and type away.

My university is much more rah rah rah (definition: school-spirity) than I expected it to be, and since my arrival on Saturday I've done nothing but run around to different frosh events, both generally and for the engineering frosh. I'm not sure if this is the culture everywhere in the world when it comes to engineers, but the purple people and non-stop chanting is very real and very culty. I do enjoy all the festivities, but honestly, at this point I'm ready to dive head in into the actual school year. One can only take so many chants and game events.

I went to the club and society fair today, and I've began to materialize an actual prerogative for the year. There's two papers I'm going to write for, one is the school-wide magazine, and the other is the Eng&Design specific newspaper. The former is only if I find the theme of that specific call interesting, and the other would be as an actual columnist position. Pretty low commitment though, as I would only need to submit one fairly short article a month on anything, doesn't even need to be eng-oriented.

Another opportunity I want to continue is theatre production. I'm not sure if I've written about it, but a big part of my high school career was spent in the set department of my school's theatre, and I ended up leading the team in my last year. While the sets here won't be as glamorous as the ones in my old art school, it's still a way to keep my production passion alive in a smaller form.

This one may be a bit too much, but I also want to work at the school library if the commitment isn't more than 8-12 hours a week. I'm worried I may stretch myself too thin, so maybe I'll save that one for second year on.

I really want to submerge myself in both my future career and passions, so if I can manage to make all of these involvements work without wanting to end it all, that's really the goal. I want to take advantage of these next 5 years!