
on the road!

Sitting in the back of my dad’s car right now as we bring my brother home from university. Wind blowing through the window, pleasant catch-up as he tells us about his summer semester, life is good.

I’ve started coming with my dad to pick him up just so I can be dropped at the Value Village. The ones in the boonies (small town ontario) just have such a better selection than city ones. I think it must be because fashion and trends aren’t as prevalent of an interest among the people, so they don’t necessarily realize that what their clothes are worth when they donate them. So yes, I still came to see my brother and I love him, but I also have love in my heart for thrifting!

As I’ve gotten rid of Instagram and Reddit off of my phone, my focus has been so much better the last few days. I still check them on my computer, but the urge to scroll and scroll doesn’t quite catch on the computer as much as on the phone.

With my extra time, I’ve cleaned and declutterred my room, narrowing down my closet to things that I will absolutely wear. I’ve of course treated myself with tons of new clothes, but no one’s perfect! I like to comfort myself with the fact that it’s not an expensive habit, and I’m also keeping clothes out of landfills. Usually whatever I grow tired of, I pass to fellow fashion-y friends.

Anyway, just a little update as I head home. Hope everyone’s having a good day!