
picking up classical piano again

After watching All About Lily Chou-Chou yesterday, I was a little taken aback by how much Debussy and his music were featured throughout the film. I had a fascination with him before I quit piano, but I only ever fully learned Clair de Lune. I decided today to pick up piano again finally after wanting to return to that part of my life for a while.

Today I started learning Arabesque No 1, I only got through the first page but it's a good start for about an hour's worth of playing. I'll probably keep playing tonight after I get home from work. I've missed the feeling of putting my entire capacity into just playing, learning a piece and learning it well. Even though a lot of my life has been dedicated to creating art, I find that I get the most fulfillment over memorizing pieces of music. I don't want to turn my musical skills into a performance or money making thing though. I think everyone needs one skill or hobby that is a truly private affair. Like, who monetizes birdwatching?

I really hope my university has pianos that I can have access to, preferably real, hardwood pianos, not the keyboard bull. It'd be a shame to finally have a renaissance of this talent of mine and lose the capability to hone it in about a month's time. For now, I'll just try to memorize this one piece within the timeframe I have.