
smooth talkers

Today, I spent time with a really fantastic group of people, just a casual sesh on a porch, watching the rain. It's nice spending time with people you can really just unwind with.

One person in the group I hadn't really been around much, I've mainly just heard snippets from our mutual friends. The really wonderful thing about this person is that they have a special gift: the gift of conversation.

Some people just naturally know how to ask all the right questions that not only get you to discuss your life and ideas in depth, but also make you think about and develop them further just by the proper prodding. They're both a musician and an artist like me, so we bonded over our completely opposite paths in the same discipline.

I, as I've previously mentioned, am a classical pianist while they're a guitarist and producer, and their questioning led to an entirely new conversation about burnout, which gave me even more thought to put into the lost talents concept I'd already developed and wrote about previously (Maybe I'll publish those thoughts in a polished form later). I was also very in tune to understanding their life and experiences simply because they showed how engaged they were in mine, and everyone elses.

These people are precious gems, and I truly believe good conversations are some of the most important building blocks of societies and communities. When we can properly understand and relate to each other, life honestly feels richer. I left that hangout not only happy from being with great people, but also more inspired than I had been in a while.