
thoughts on superstitions

I was talking away with my coworker this morning, and while killing time at the last hour, we landed on the topic of superstitions. He asked me if I had any that I really believed in and/or affected how I lived my life. Thinking about it, I suppose I do.

For starters, I knock on wood at any little mention of bad will. I honestly believe that if I don't do it, it allows the idea to linger in the air that it might happen. Don't want to risk it. Something cool about knocking on wood is that if you knock, everyone around you will do the same just by osmosis. I always feel like a little trendsetter when I do it.

I also wear a Greek cross bracelet and have matia in my room, and in some of my purses. The cross is a bit of an odd thing for me, as I'm not entirely religious in the sense that I believe in God, I don't really. But I do believe in having little things that are designed to bring you a sense of comfort in this world, and this is one that's been passed down to me.

I think that in moderation, having these little things that may or may not have any relevance on how your life plays out do so much good. For me, I feel more confidence walking around when I have something of my heritage on me, and as I'm slowly sifting through my grandmother's belongings with my family, I've started to use her things too. Even if I'm not with her anymore (knock on wood it's not soon!), we still wore the same bracelets and had the same matia around our house.